Welcome Drinks
Friday 17 February 2023
The CLSS kicked off the year with our first Welcome Drinks since 2020. New and continuing students' commenced the year at the Anne Harding Centre for an enjoyable evening of drinks, food and networking.
Student Textbook Equity Scheme
Sponsored by the College of Law
STEP aimed to assist students who are studying a Bachelor of Laws or Bachelor of Justice Studies, facing financial disadvantage or would be burdened by the cost of textbooks, to borrow their required textbooks for the semester from the CLSS.

International Women's Day
Sponsored by Leo Cussen
The Canberra Law Students’ Society celebrated International Women’s Day at the UC Hub on Sunday, 19 March 2023. The theme of International Women’s Day this year was #EmbraceEquity. The CLSS invited several prominent ACT Legal Professionals and UC Alumni to discuss this topic on our IWD panel. Following the panel, guest speakers and students enjoyed an afternoon of ‘Paint & Sip’, painting and enjoying food for the afternoon.

Speed Networking
Sponsored by Clayton Utz
This event offered participants the chance to connect with multiple legal professionals in a short span of time. Networking isn't just about exchanging information – it's about forming authentic connections that lead to collaboration, innovation, and mutual support.
Pizza & Priestley's
Sponsored by the College of Law
Update coming soon....

Law Ball: Rio Carnival
Sponsored by College of Law
On 7 October 2023, the CLSS held their annual Law Ball at the National Press Club of Australia. The theme of "Rio Carnival" brought a burst of colour and a wave of celebration. Students embraced the vibrant atmosphere, knowing that it marked the countdown to their final weeks of study before the much-needed holiday break.

Careers Fair
Sponsored by Clayton Utz
Update coming soon...
Clerkship Information Evening
The clerkship information evening gave students insight into what firms look for in Clerkship applications with little tips and tricks on how to make your application stand out. After firms present, a networking session took place between students and firms to provide the opportunity to speak on a more personal level.

Competitions Week
Sponsored by Leo Cussen and Maxwell & Co
Providing an opportunity to make friends, enjoy practical learning, or test out advocacy skills, our internal competitions took place between 14 March 2023 and 16 March 2023. This year the CLSS ran our Witness Examination, Mooting, and Negotiations competitions. We also introduced a new competition – client interviewing.